
Tuesday 22 November 2016

Okay, so I just tried the translator widget on the header, and tried to translate the whole thing into was just so...
Holy---hahahaha, why is the translation so ridiculous 😂😂?
Even I could translate better than that.

Well, I'm just going to leave it at that.

Monday 21 November 2016

I love pranks, especially when it involves scaring the flying shit out of people 😂😂😂.
I mean, who doesn't?
Yes, it may be cruel and a not very nice thing to do but I can't help myself.

So, I scared my sister again yesterday.
My mom told her to go and lock the outer gate (we have double gates in our house, dudes/dudettes).
I was on silent ninja mode doing this, so she wouldn't know.
So, I was in the first hall where my dad keep his PA systems and stuff and the hall connects to the kitchen and outer living room.

I climbed up onto our pink couch (it looks like a ham-coloured couch instead, urghhh) and sat, more like squatting at the edge of the arm rest and waited there.

I thought maybe it'll ought to fail because my sister--youngest sister, saw me already but I still wanted to do it.
As she rushed into the hall and closing the sliding doors quickly, I jumped off and screamed like a crazy banshee at her 😂😂.

Turned out that actually she thought I was near the door and that she didn't actually saw me on the couch because it was dim and plus, my hair made a great effect on the scare, it's pretty long so I'll take it a bonus to myself.

Back to where we were, she jumped and screamed and I ran off laughing like a psycho who's on drugs.
She realized it was me and chased after me, saying "Stupid! You scared me, I thought you were near the door! I thought you were an actual spirit or something! Come back!" and she proceeded to smack me but I still laughed throughout the entire time.

Man, it was worth it.
Alright, hello dear Mortals.

The Lord of Mischief is baaaack.
What for, you say? Hm, GOOD QUESTION. Well, since I already officially somehow graduated from high school, but still 1subject left to go for m' final paper this December 5th -weird poses and eyebrow wiggling-.

Well, I think I mayn't have much time or maybe after I've finished exam because I'll be searching in a quest of  getting me self a part-time job, fellow people.
Don't worry my Mortal subjects, I will resume blogging of course, where else could I express my self's pitiful joy and despair other than this blog--domain, of mine?

I've fought through the Science papers today and paper 1 was doing fine enough for me but paper 2 was just...well, maybe it wasn't that bad, but I'll just say, "Slay It".

And just so randomly right now, I am drinking coffee.
No, it isn't Starbucks you insolent--I mean, beloved fools, I can't afford that bullshit and even if I could, I don't drink that kind of shit, I drink real coffee, black and sweet and bitter, like my soul. Just joking, I can't be that evil unless I just truly hate that person, seriously, I can be really cruel but not heartless enough, believe me.

I started drinking black coffee ever since I was 9 years old, mmm-hmm, I am a coffeeholic but only for black coffee, hahaha.
I drank Starbucks once and that was a few years ago, meh, they...taste alright, I guess. But I'd still prefer black coffee more than that....

Oh well, that's all for now, I'll update again for later!

Sunday 20 November 2016

Oh my God, I have only 3 subjects left to go.
Thank goodness, I thought we had to do exams until the 5th of December (I'll be dead by then, if we actually did and to my approval, we didn't).
Science paper is this Tuesday, then Literature In English goes by Wednesday.....I forgot when is Geography's and only remembered that Home Economics is on the 5th of December later.

Then, I'm planning to get a part-time job to earn my OWN money.
I feel bad depending on my parents to buy things for me sometimes 😕. And I've got so MANY things on my wishlist, maybe I can list out a few of them, though, or maybe later but you'll be shocked at how long it is going to be 😂.

Do believe me when I said my wish list is long, it's freakin' outrageous, yo.
-Sigh- The things we do in life to get what we want sometimes, I  swear...

We were given the options to go only for 6 subjects actually, but I went for 3 more, because why not?
I wanted to quit Geography, but it'd be a waste to study it from the start and to quit half-way.
I took Literature because I obsess English so much, and I was VERY much interested in learning dramas/plays and poetry.
And then I have Home Economics, I was interested because it involved topics and things we do in our basic life, like cooking, health, gardening, sewing and more.

And here I am....blogging away when I should be studying...
SPM doesn't scare me somehow, I don't know why, what scares me are my parents, that's all.
Guys, oh dear.
I am sorry for not posting anything. For two days? Or has it been two days?? I don't...know.
Since my youngest sister got good results, my Dad promised her that she could install new games for our Xbox 360, so apparently, we did, that Friday.

While that we were at the game store, we looked around as well, it wasn't really that big, it's more of quite small actually, wasn't much.
So, we went through the list of the games for the Xbox 360, eeerrggghhh, there was just so much we wanted but we were only given 6 choices to pick which, but WE get to pick.

I chose Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls V, Dead Island Riptide, Dragon's Dogma; Dark Arisen and Resident Evil 6.
While my youngest sister (not the first one, the second one, because like I told there are three of us, me being the eldest among us three), chose only Ninja Gaiden 3; Razor's Edge.

I somehow managed to manipulate her (yes, that isn't very nice, I know) into getting Dragon's Dogma; Drak Arisen, which means I have 4 games and she had only 1 actually.

So, we only installed 5 games, my Mom told me that we shouldn't get too much, and alright then.
We were fine with it, we shared the games we bought, except Skyrim, because the both of my sisters aren't interested those kinds of games but they wanted to try at least, but to their demise (and secretly my approval~) the game was in Japanese and they couldn't understand, except me (no, I don't understand either but I slay those kinds of games in my way 😂😂😂, it's one of Bethesda's, who made Fallout, and I played Fallout 3 more than 3 times already. And luckily, Skyrim's system was like it, no wrong and right way to play~!).

I gave my two sisters, two of my games out of four I had, because I felt like it isn't fair even though I didn't intend to share at first, but changed my mind.
I gave my Dead Island; Riptide to my first sister and my Dragon's Dogma to my youngest sister. So, leaving me with only Skrim: The Elder Scrolls V and Resident Evil 6 in hand.

I'm fine, but I actually wanted Dragon's Dogma, but nevermind. I installed Resident Evil 6 on purpose actually, since my younger sister always wanted it but never got to buy a game she want, I pitied her and decided to get it for her with a lie saying I wanted to try (but actually buying it in her place).

As much as I hate my siblings, I can't. They're my blood and flesh, I love them even so if they get on my nerves.
By the way, how'd this got so emotional all of a sudden ???

Thursday 17 November 2016

Seriously, who in the name of Salazar Slytherin, tried to enter my Twitter account? 😐😐😐
Whoever that is, just tellin' you that it ain't worth trying to hack it.
There's nothing to be so envious about my Twitter account bro.

I know your location, so don't even try. Because the person trying to enter into my Twitter account was from Sibu, Sarawak.😒

Do you have a problem with me? Or you really WERE TRYING to enter my account for no reason? I don't even have that many followers on Twitter.
Hack celebrities' instead, why a normal person like me? 😩

If you got guts, hack governments' or companies' instead oi 😑.

Google, Google...

Look, if it isn't Daryl Dixon, of The Walking Dead 😉😉😉😉😎😎? -wiggle eyebrows-

When something serious is happening and you're trying to hold in your laughter and it gets harder for you to hold it in and you had to try to cover it up;

Just The Recent Post I Mentioned Curry.

I didn't know if it was by coincidence, but today, my Mom suddenly decided to make chicken curry for lunch, 😋. (I was like okay, I'm good)
She asked me when we were buying ingredients at the market, "What do you think we should cook for today's meal?".
I told her, "I don't know, I don't care. Just as long it's something you and Dad could eat as well." (My Mom has cholesterol problem, but no she isn't overweight, she's slim 😑. But her head started to hurt badly and her heart hurt months ago so she went to the doctor. Doctor told her she can't eat so many food that could raise her cholesterol problem , she wasn't young anymore -but my Mom looked the same ever since before, even when I was like so young 0-0.)
I loved my Mom and Dad, but especially my Mom and I felt guilty if she can't eat things only I and the others could now. So, she decided to make curry, and I agreed because we hadn't been eating curry the past few months already, because why not?
We need spice in life sometimes....


My Mom could eat the curry we made, (hooray!).
I'm not selfish enough to let my Mom not eat what she can't anymore; like eggs (she can only eat the whites of the eggs), fried food or seafood (she doesn't know how to eat fish, an incident involving of eating fish scarred her for life 'til now 😩).
So, at least curry could do.
I enjoyed it so much, though. It was spicy and I nearly choked eating the curry lol.
My Dad only complained it was salty and the curry soup was too thick (😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑...really Dad?).

Home Alone 2

Oh my god, Home Alone 2 never fails to make me laugh so much like this.😂😂😂😂
Especially this scene, though.

Kevin's Mother/Kate McCallister: "What kind of idiots do you have working here?" *mad and is about to slap a ho*

Reception lady: "The finest in New York." *smiles at Kevin's mother*

😂😂😂 Like holy--she still answered Kevin's mom's question, and now THAT'S what you call a great customer service.