
Sunday 13 November 2016

-Kicks open the door- Oit, ye' Author is he'ah t' set up s'm rules, aye? Here are some warm-up welcome and rules in here: First all of all, you can come here to complain about yer' pathetic life if ye' want, but do not spam it with all your loadcrap for the straight-hours. Next, profanities are allowed but use to a minimum as I may not know if there are going to be children coming to visit this blog, aye? For the finale, you know the usual, get along with others, welcome them if they are new, no drama here please. If there are fights, settle it immediately. Don' know if there are second finale but, no explicit contents will be allowed to be displayed here or links to explicit websites. Don't be a racist, bully, trolls are welcomed but not too much trollin' eh? And then no talks about sensitive things like religion as I want to avoid those, er, kind of fights. If anything gets out of hand, please send me a message, And most of all, fandoms are welcome but no yaoi, yuri or shota-con either. Das' all, my beloved subject and don't forget to share this blog and enjoy your time here.

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No using too much profanities