
Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Be A Bullet That Keeps Shooting Forward.

Catfishing is either funny or not sometimes.
But it's pretty much a bad idea to be someone who you are not, using someone else's pictures, hiding your background, in one small circle they are particularly just a horrible thing to do.
Yeah, maybe you're doing it because maybe you have a crush on someone and you want them to notice you? So, why not, right? Wrong.

Catfishing is like literally creating a non-existent person to replace who you really are. Maybe you think it'd be fun to reel someone into your trap? Fool around and pretend to drop your reality? It doesn't seem bad, right? That is wrong too, and it's really cruel.

You are afraid that the person you like, might not like you back. That's alright because if you're a great person, in reality, it's their loss not wanting to at least know you enough just to be friends.
Because you can't catch the same fish every time. It'll bound to be a different fish.

Like the saying, there are more fish in the sea, indicates that there are more people for us out there to meet, so there's no need to go for only one.
If you can't move on, do this and it'll hurt a lot, but it'll help you move on.
Be straight with yourself, and ask, "Will I be happy with this person? Or will this person love me as much as I love them?". Think carefully about it, because you don't want to be stuck in a bear trap, you want to avoid stepping into the bear trap. 

Now, this is the important part, but YOLO, right? It won't kill you doing it, maybe just break your heart, but it'll still be there.
Gather up your courage, tell yourself, you don't want to be stuck in a bear trap or a loop, you NEED to get over it and move on.
Wear something nice, prepare yourself and calm your nerves, don't expect too much, because you don't want to feel disappointed.
See if you can get the person you like to see you somewhere in a park or anywhere that you feel comfortable, NOT a place you like because then you are going to give yourself a very bitter memory about the place you love, making you want to avoid it.

Warm things up first, if none of you speaks, it'll make it even harder and awkward to confess.
Maybe ask them what are their interest or how are they doing is good enough. Don't ask questions that lead them to feel weird about you.
So once you are ready, take a deep breath and tell them to listen and listen well.
Tell them your point is to clear things up with them and you need to move on.
Ask them how they feel about you, if they don't respond, YOU have to respond next, tell them you like them. If they turn your feelings down, tell them 'Thank you for turning my feelings down'.

Yes, it'll hurt a lot after that, but hey, at least you know now how they felt towards you and you don't have to keep an annoying painful nagging ache in your stomach or your heart about them.
Maybe it'll take a week to get over it, don't be angry at them. We weren't given any choice in the first place to control how each human would feel.
The point is, you can't stop yourself from functioning, just because the person you loved or liked, turned your feelings down.
Every human has to move on and function properly and do not cut yourself or suddenly start neglecting your health or people around you because of bitter memories you gained.
Life won't always give you a 'win-win' situation, okay?

No man will ever find the meaning of moving on or happiness if they don't search for it and keep going.
I won't say that everything I typed here will guarantee how everything will turn out.
My mother always told me, "The world won't spin to your fingers like a puppet on a string and that means you'll have to do it yourself  to get somewhere or something and  to take care of yourself, learn to be responsible.
No one in life never had a moment where they don't trip, because that's nonsense.

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk,
If you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep
moving forward." - Martin Luther King Jr.

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